
Sunday, March 23, 2014


Where had the time gone?!  Everyone tells you when you have a baby it goes so fast  - you know it - yet you still feel like you blink and months go by and there is no way to slow it down.

For Ian's 2nd B'day (yes, it was on Jan. 11th) we decided to combine a few of his favorite things... football (it was the Bronco's playoff game), pizza (he ALWAYS says he wants pizza if you ask what he wants for dinner), and a little bit of Elmo/Sesame Street.

Nana and Tom came to town for the birthday boy's big day! And then a small group of a few close friends (and of course Aunt Emmy and Uncle Todd) joined us - I mean really at 2 it's just about celebrating family and pseudo family. He enjoyed making pizza and cruising around while everyone hung out to watch the game. It was a good little afternoon and I know I can speak for the whole McG clan when I say that we feel very lucky to have such great family and friends who love our little guy and help make memories like these...


Ian's 2 Year Old Stats:
Weight: 27 lbs - 46th percentile
Height: 37 1/8" - 99th percentile
Head Circumference: 19 1/8" - 48th percentile

Last year on Ian's b'day I wrote him a little note. And I wanted to be sure to keep that tradition alive... 

My little man "E-O"- 

I didn't think you could be anymore loved than when you were born, and then when you turned 1, yet I'm pretty sure I love you more with each passing day. You are so smart and funny and your little giggle and smile will brighten even my worst days. I love picking you up at Barb's and you always coming running all excited yelling "Mommy! Mommy!" That means the world to me. And I love our nightly routine of "mama, read a book" and then "mama, I rock you." It's those moments I don't take for granted, not even for even one second. 

I'm amazed at how how much you already know and say at the ripe old age of 2. You have a rockin' vocab... talk in sentences... and never struggle to tell us what you want. You sing your a,b,c's and  Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  Counting to 10 is no problem for you, in fact you can usually throw in a fourteen or seventeen just to impress.  But even more importantly you love your mama and dada and let us know it on a daily basis through your hugs, when you kiss my cheek and then tell me you want to "kiss dee otha one," and when you mimic what we're doing. You make us feel extra special and we hope to make sure you always know how extra special you are too!

Wishing you a year filled with lots of playing tackle with dada, eating pizza for dinner, watching Nemo and Elmo, reading books, riding bikes, playing on the slide,  and getting a little dirty like a good boy should. 

Love you, 
Momma McG 

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