
Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Little Man!

My dear bubba Ian -

I cannot believe it's been a year since you made your way into this world! It seems like it was just yesterday we were preparing for your arrival... I can close my eyes and be back in the hospital room and picture everything just moments before you were born. After you arrived and I heard your first cry I sat there in shock as the doctor handed you to me with your bright big eyes. From the moment I looked at your precious face and looked into your eyes my life was changed forever. You were perfect. Since my first day with you I've said that you're an old soul -when you look at me it's as though you've always known what is going on - you're wise beyond your years my little man and I love that about you.

The past 12 months have been wonderful and I've cherished every second with you.  Each day gets more and more fun as I watch you grow and expirence life. This past year has been full of a lot of first... your first smile, first giggle, first time you rolled over, first time you sat up on your own.... And in 12 short months you have developed into this perfect little person with 21lbs of giggles, 6 teeth, a love for dogs, a "crazy crawl", a yell only someone in this family could have, and an obession for blueberries. You bring happiness beyond words to our family. Often times at night when I'm rocking you to sleep I hold you and rock long after you're asleep because I know this time where I am able to rock you in my arms is short lived and I want to enjoy it just as long as I can.

You have taught me many things about myself and you're not even able to hold a real converstaion yet (not to discredit your ability to say "bye-bye" & "dog"). You've taught me I can run on very little sleep...I can multi-task like a pro...and it's ok to wear your pj's all day. But you've also taught me much more important things ability to love is beyond what I could have dreamed,  I'm stronger that I ever knew,  and you've made me realize that the best life to live is one where you put the needs of others before your own.

In the not so distant future you will be taking your first steps... the first steps in this journey of life. As you learn to walk on your own please remember that I'm always here for you. I'm your mama, and I'm always here to rock with you if you need it. But when you're walking on your own, don't forget to stop your steps every so often and soak in the world around you.  And know that I'm going to do the best darn job I know how to, to show you how to always walk with integrety and pride while challeging the expected and living life to the fullest.

I love you baby! Happy Birthday!


Looking back, a year ago today....

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