
Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Name Game

I get a weekly email update from with information about that week of pregnancy. A few weeks back the update came with a few "to do's" including: "Make a list of your favorite names and have your spouse do the same. Then swap lists, read them aloud, and cross names off each other's lists until you are down to just 1 or 2 names." Simple enough. NOT.

John happened to see the to-do and thought it was a great idea for us to do this. He LOVES to get me going. So there we were sitting in bed making lists, and after reading each other's lists we had effectively crossed every name off each other's list in a matter of seconds. As John read though my list I heard a lot of "what a douche name, are you serious?" and "Ugh, awful. We might as well just move to Wash Park and start playing tennis now." As I read his list, I had to remind him that we live in America, and I will not be naming my child after any Rockies Player. He finds this commercial very funny (me, not so much) and believes his family can just be like this.

So to give you a little idea of some of the "very wonderful" suggestions on John's list here you go....

  1. Wendell or Wendy if it's a girl, naturally

  2. Ubaldo or Ubalda for a girl... not a very popular one in the old US of A.

  3. Alanna - after Alanna Rizzo a Rockies announcer... it's actually an ok name, but he only likes it Rockies related, so no.

  4. Tracy - As in Jim Tracy, the Rockies coach...are you seeing a theme here??

  5. Carlos ... yes this is a player.

  6. Tulo and Tula if it's a girl

  7. Carl ... Just awful, and I can hear the inappropriate Carl jokes already

  8. Chastity ... stripper name

  9. Gertrude (Gert for short)... gag

  10. Simon.... I can't believe he didn't also suggest Alvin and Theodore.

  11. Trudy... come on.

  12. Germaine.... no words.

When I shockingly dissed all of his suggestions, John asked me "Um, who named our cat?" (he knew the answer and was setting me up). I hated to admit that John was responsible for naming Boomer (which of course was after a former sports player, damnit). When I admitted he had, he of course responded with, "And I did an excellent job, so looks like I'm in charge of the naming in this family." Oh lord. Clearly, this is going to be a VERY difficult task for us. I'd love any suggestions, and if you tell me like you any of John's you can consider yourself on my very bad side.

We (along with several friends) have been referring to the baby as Wendall or Tula ever since this little exercise. While it's humorous, we're going to need a real name here soon. So before we find out what the baby is next week, and determine if we need to focus on either girl or boy names I thought it might be fun to take a vote as to what you think it is....

What do you think Baby McG is?


  1. I can't wait to meet Wendalina!

  2. I had a feeling the baby was going to be a boy. I know it is easy to say this now but I truly did.
